Homenaje a Tárrega - Gallardo del Rey
Work inspired by Arabic dances and flamenco melodies that have inspired so many composers, but from the perspective of a heartfelt tribute to the figure of the Spanish composer, guitarist, and pedagogue.
Misterio de Tanger - Homenaje a Tárrega - Gallardo del Rey
Misterio de Tanger - Homenaje a Tárrega - Gallardo del Rey
Nostalgia de Al-Andalu - Gallardo del Rey
Nostalgia de Al-Andalu - Gallardo del Rey
Misterio de Tanger - Gallardo del Rey - Tutorial
Misterio de Tanger - Gallardo del Rey - Tutorial
Nostalgia de Al-Andalus - Gallardo del Rey - Tutorial
Nostalgia de Al-Andalus - Gallardo del Rey - Tutorial